Správa informačních technologií města Plzně Apps

City of Pilsen - Travel Guide
Get to know Pilsen, the fourth largest city inthe Czech Republic. It is located in western Bohemia and it is animportant industrial, commercial, cultural, and administrativecenter. This application gives informations about: - the city, - aninteresting places of the city, - travel routes, - parking zonesand number of free places in the parkhouse.
PlzniTo 4.1.4
Report a defect on the property of the City of Pilsen (brokenbench, lighting, landfill ...).
Podklady Plzeň 1.2
Podkladové materiály pro zastupiteleměstaPlzně.Aplikace je připravena pro použití na tabletech s operačnímsystémemAndroid.Minimální požadovaná velikost úhlopříčky displeje je 7 palců.Background materialsforthe representatives of Pilsen.The application is ready for use on tablets running theAndroidoperating system.The minimum required size of the display diagonal is 7inches.
Bezpečná Plzeň
The Safe Pilsen application is here for everyone who wants to beconstantly in the picture.
Sportmanie Plzeň 1.0.4
Companion competition application for Sportmania Pilsen.